UltraNutrition Institute

UltraNutrition Institute was originally conceived and incorporated in 1979. We soon learned, by a dull thud, we were about thirty five years ahead of the world. Since a growing educated segment of the population is now ready to listen, and a quick review of the old document tell me we are not a million miles from being STILL relevant, we are asking our favorite orthomolecular and nutritional medicine folks to help us make the 2014 version of this profile.

This site is not prominently indexed and if you are here, it is presumably because we invited you to come and give your input as to what should be on the 2014 list of tests. What should be added? Where are the best places to have the tests run? Who has the best computerized nutritional study platform? (We are writing Hal Higgins now.) What other pointers can we give people to help them optimize their life?

We are available literally around the clock and seven days a week to discuss how to make this a helpful tool today.

You can download this page as a PDF: UltraNutrition_Institute.pdf


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