About Enhancement Medicine
Enhancement Medicine is a complete health system that relies on several important elements:
- Advanced Testing
This includes a comprehensive Nutritional Evaluation, and a Lifestyle Evaluation. It may include
blood tests and hair tests, serum analysis, blood pressure, stress electrocardiagram, urinalysis,
and others.
- Evaluation and Recommendations
All data is collected and analyzed together to create a comprehensive report. Diet, exercise,
lifestye, and supplments must all work together for the best results. Our reports are designed
to provide information to aid you and your chosen health professional in developing a comprehensive
health program.
- Orthomolecular Medicine
Orthomolecular medicine aims to restore the optimum environment of the body by correcting imbalances
or deficiencies based on individual biochemistry, using substances natural to the body such as vitamins,
minerals, amino acids, trace elements and fatty acids.
- Living Foods
We feel optimum health and vitality can only be reached by adopting a vegan lifestyle that incorporates
a majority of raw, living foods. A living foods diet, along with the proper supplements, chosen for
each person based on their test results, is the best medicine a person can have.
Learn about UltraNutrition Institute
Download a sample test packet: UltraNutrition_Institute.pdf
The normal values represented in biochemical analyses are those established by the National Research Council
and the National Science Foundation, as well as other research findings, and are approximate.
Results of tests are for use by licensed practitioners of the healing arts only as an aid in diagnosis and do not
constitute a medical diagnosis in themselves.